So much has happened since I last wrote. Well...not exactly, just our level of excitement was higher than usual. Elizabeth's friend Shannon is in town so a group of us went up in the London Eye last night. It was really really pretty, and I got about a million shots of my boyfriend, Big Ben. We were all proud of Ingrid who has an intense phobia of heights. She didn't even freak out!
After our 30 minute ride we decided to head home. On the way Elizabeth received a text from this girl she works with saying that Victoria Beckham was staying at the Metropolitan Hotel. Elizabeth literally spends hours each day trying to figure out where her idol lives so she naturally started hyperventilating. Shannon, Elizabeth and I stopped in McDonalds for dinner and to plan out a strategy. We decided to stake out the hotel. Since Elizabeth had a paper due at 9 a.m. and it was already 10:30 p.m. we rushed back to our flat so she could get her computer. We hopped on the tube amidst Elizabeth's panic attacks. We discussed everything from how to ask for a picture to what sort of smiles are appropriate for Victoria Beckham. We saw signs everywhere. First there was the bus that said VICTORIA. Then there was the sign right outside the hotel that said BECK. After scaling several hills and fences, and incorrectly crossing several streets, we found the hotel. Elizabeth went straight up to the doorman and said:

"Is is worth waiting?"-E
"For what?"- DM
"Victoria"- E
He informed us that it was hopeless cause that night. He did say that she is normally more willing to take pictures when she's on her way out in the morning. He also informed us that two guys had been standing outside this hotel for two days waiting for her. We met one of them....a slightly overweight Indian man who couldn't even fully say Victoria. He said he had gotten several pictures of her and that she normally leaves the hotel at half past seven.
Rejoicing over this news, we went home to rest before getting up at 6:00 a.m. to go back to the hotel before work and class. Today we rushed to the hotel again, looking rather sketchy, and stood outside the door. I was positioned on the corner and Elizabeth in the front just to make sure we didn't miss her. Unfortunately we waited for an hour and she never appeared. We took it as a bad sign that there were no paparazzi or Indian men. However, we won't give up the search. We will find that woman in the little Gucci dress.
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