Tensions are running high, toilet paper is running low, and we still have two days. After everything: the homesickness, the drama, the friendship, the fun, the big days out, it's almost over. And I hate to say it, but in the words of the famous Rustin Greene, I really feel as if I have Lived London, Loved London, and Learned London.
I know the Tube like the back of my hand and can get you to all the major landmarks in the city. I've been able to legally order drinks and not feel shady. I've met Sean Connery and Nick Jonas. I've stalked Victoria Beckham. I've started putting U's in my words. I've pub crawled. I've danced. I've visited four different countries, two of which I haven't ever been to and the other two of which I haven't been to since age 2. I've tried on Jimmy Choos. And I've made a new boyfriend, Big Ben. I've done every single thing I've wanted to do.

Today I took a walk down my favourite route: Tottenham Court Road, to Charing Cross, to Leicester Square, to Trifalgar Square, to BEN BEN. I did some souvenir shopping and then visited the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. I really liked the second. There were portraits of Princess Diana, Prince William, Prince Harry, Paul McCartney, and many other famous Brits.

After that I met back at the house with Elizabeth, SBP, Ingrid, and Lawler to FINALLY go to Abbey Road, a trip I've been wanting to take since we got here. Little did we know that in the Tube station on the way there, we would see the actual Harry Potter. Not Daniel Radcliffe, but Harry Potter. I tried to take a secret photo of him, but it didn't work and he saw me so we had to walk away quickly. We then decided that Harry Potter is totally real and that JK Rowling exposed the wizarding world so all wizards hate her.

After recovering from our shock, we got back in the right frame of mind and headed toward the road which is also the title of my favourite Beatles' album. We did the traditional walking pose, and I signed the wall to the Abbey Road studio with my parents' names: the true Beatles' fans.
After this tourist moment we headed back for our meeting followed by free pizza. I will not comment on the state of this event except to say that I shared.

Then Bennett, SBP, Elizabeth, Ingrid, Lawler, and I went to this gelato place in SOHO we'd heard so much about called Scoop. It was pretty amazing. I am glad, however, that we didn't know about it sooner or I would have been poorer and fatter. I decided to remain friends with Bennett because he lives in New York City. Just kidding. Kinda.
After we got back, I packed almost everything! I can't believe 1) it all fit, and 2) that I leave in two days. This really has become my home. We've had so many great memories together. For those of you who may stalk my blog to see if I write anything mean about specific people (or entire groups in general), don't worry! This isn't my last post. Two London-filled days remain :)
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